Shogi Shack Blog
Shogi board UI streamlined
November 16, 2024 by shogishack
Tagged: New Feature
Returning visitors may notice that the Shogi-board displays on the site now appear more streamlined. The icon buttons for saving and copying kifu files, as well as the rotating icon for flipping the board, have been removed. However, these features are still accessible. They have been relocated to the context menu. You can access this […]
Handicap study page added
August 5, 2024 by shogishack
Tagged: New Feature
Shogi is a game that is not influenced by elements of luck, making it difficult to win against a higher-ranking player. However, it is not enjoyable to play against someone who is holding back. A way to enjoy a serious match on equal terms with a higher-ranking player is through ‘handicap shogi.’ Handicap Shogi is […]
Order of Shogi piece placement
July 21, 2024 by shogishack
Tagged: Break Room, New Feature
I created a new page that explains how the shogi pieces will be placed on the board before the game starts. You can of course place pieces in any order to set up the shogi board for the game, but There are traditional ways to place each piece. Detail is here and it’s use within our site.
July 11, 2024 by shogishack
Tagged: New Feature
Recently I added a reference to a.k.a. KyokumenPedia(局面ペディア) in the resource section of our site. The site name is coined after Kyokumen(局面) (board situation or position) and Encyclopedia. The site is maintained by the same people who runs To take a full advantage of the site, I added buttons to our site pages […]
First moves supplemented with opening book that comes with Yaneuraou Shogi AI
June 29, 2024 by shogishack
Tagged: New Feature
Opening Book made public by Yaneurao is now used to explain ‘after the first move’ On the section of the site where I explain Shogi’s first moves, there is a summary page which tries to comprehend how the first few moves become various Shogi strategies. As you can guess, It is never possible to list […]
Remember these technique for Anaguma castle
June 29, 2024 by shogishack
I would like to refer to this youtube video that discusses techniques to attack Anaguma castle. This youtuber picked examples out of ShogiWars actual plays and compiled them to compact yet very effective format to explain how to compromise the Anaguma castle. Although spoken in Japanese, you should be able to pick up things or […]
Shogi maze re-imaged

July 27, 2023 by shogishack
Tagged: New Feature
In 2010, I was contacted by members of Shogi France. One of their active members has just created a shogi site with a page that showed variety of opening moves. They offered to include the content in our site as this will nicely compliment with our site pages that explains what piece to move first. […]
Using real Shogi pieces
July 12, 2023 by shogishack
Many of the Shogi fans overseas are probably using Online platform to enjoy Shogi, because Shogi fans are few and apart from each other. You may have never touched actual shogi pieces. In Japan, there are Shogi dojos in many places where people play against each other using actual Shogi pieces. The YouTube video here […]
Free tesuji book from mainichi navigation
May 19, 2023 by shogishack -2 comments
There are two tesuji books that I wish we had English translated version available. They are called らくらく次の一手 1 and 2, published by Japan Shogi federation. The title roughly translates to “easy next move.” These books targeted beginner players and taught you basic Tesujis in forms of quiz that asks you for a next move. […]
New Section added
April 28, 2023 by shogishack -1 comment
Just added a new section “Suji and Tesuji” to the site. When I think about improving one’s Shogi play, There are three pillars that makes up one’s skill. Item #1 and #2 has been always a part of this site. for #3, we had Pawn Samplers where we looked at various Pawn Tesujis but there […]