Shogi Shack Blog

Getting Shobiboard in the States

July 10, 2011 by shogishack

I was at Chicago last week and had visited Mitsuwa market.  If you google the store name, you will find this is a franchise of Japanese Supermarket throughout the United States. (They used to be called as Yaohan-USA.)  Inside  Mitsuwa complex, there is a Japanese book store called Sanseido.  When I was browsing for Shogi […]

39? 4649? What are they?

November 4, 2010 by shogishack

In recent weeks, we have seen a surge of new Shogi players in PlayOK.  As it turned out, has ceased its service of Shogi game site.  So there are many Japanese players now playing at PlayOK.  That is a good thing.  However, I have seen some of those players uses the abbrebiation such as […]

Translation sites

February 12, 2010 by shogishack

My friend,  who does not speak Japanese said these two sites help decyphering Japanese text on the WEB.   These are the 2 sites that I use: – this site does not run as quickly and requires smaller fragments of the text to be able to translate, but I find it gives a better […]

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