Shogi Shack Blog

Shogi board UI streamlined

November 16, 2024 by shogishack


Returning visitors may notice that the Shogi-board displays on the site now appear more streamlined. The icon buttons for saving and copying kifu files, as well as the rotating icon for flipping the board, have been removed. However, these features are still accessible. They have been relocated to the context menu. You can access this […]

Shogi for Youtube page just added

September 5, 2020 by shogishack

I was going to add some Youtube resources in Internet resources page. the page itself is already quite lengthy and I think I need start thinking about folding the content quite soon. So I realized Youtube section needed its own page. It is currently available as a sub menu in Internet resources page. Expect this […]

Qinoa Syougi link added

July 4, 2020 by shogishack

One of the link that was popular at the time was Ham Shogi where you could play shogi game with computer. No pressure, use as much time you want to make your moves and so on, and it was very friendly to novice shogi player. However, this application was based on Adobe flash player and […]

Shogi maze puzzles added

December 12, 2012 by shogishack

Its been a long time since I started to receive weekly email newsletters  from the site owner of   This site was established for more than 10 years ago, and is run by a person who also runs real dojo or Shogi Salon in Saitama prefecture, Japan.   (when I first started this site, […] moving to

February 23, 2012 by shogishack

What?  what is going on? OK, let me explain.  I have been using a service called microsoft office live web service.  When this service started, the starter package was free.  So I was able to quickly set up this site and start posting shogi information.   There has been always a limitation to this site. […]

Doraemon shogi board introduced

January 20, 2010 by shogishack

I leaned from Takodori-san’s Japanese blog that Epoch Japan is planning to release Shogi board and pieces arranged with Doraemon characters on it. (if you are deep into J-culture, then you know who Draemon is.  If not, just look up in Wikipedia or google the name.)   See the image here   The woman in the […]

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