Shogi Shack Blog
Doraemon shogi board introduced
January 20, 2010 by shogishack
I leaned from Takodori-san’s Japanese blog that Epoch Japan is planning to release Shogi board and pieces arranged with Doraemon characters on it. (if you are deep into J-culture, then you know who Draemon is. If not, just look up in Wikipedia or google the name.) See the image here The woman in the […]
Invincible castle. Really?
January 12, 2010 by shogishack
This is a well known mystery. A certain potion of Shogi beginners end up with this castling. It seems as if they come up to this with their own idea,, but it is not the first time in Shogi history this castling was played. There is even a name for this formation. It is called "Invincible […]