Shogi Shack Blog

New Section added

April 28, 2023 by shogishack -1 comment

Just added a new section “Suji and Tesuji” to the site. When I think about improving one’s Shogi play, There are three pillars that makes up one’s skill. Item #1 and #2 has been always a part of this site. for #3, we had Pawn Samplers where we looked at various Pawn Tesujis but there […]

Identifying Japanese Shogi pieces.

April 20, 2023 by shogishack

My recommendation when learning Shogi, is to get familiarize yourself with piece with Japanese character on it. There are some symbolic shogi set and westernized set, but vast majority of Shogi material available online and in books form all uses Japanese characters. People who get used to them often says that’s easy once you remember […]

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